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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Once upon a time, I had a dream for the city that never sleeps…


After my head injuries at NYU, I forgot what happened to me.

Then I began to remember Blade Runner, a film noir about short-lived androids that were implanted with artificial memories to make them believe they were human.

This movie is not my real memory and yet it is. I saw it with Jennifer Chang, my girlfriend at the time who was a med student at Bellevue Hospital.

The MRI of my mind you see in my collage is mine.

Thought I share recollections with you.

In memory of Roger Elbert

Gone like tears in rain…

After the bombing in 1993, people became xenophobic.

Talk radio became radioactive like the worse of rap urging males to hate cops, abuse women and on and on…

I tried to hold to the last thing that flew out of Pandora’s Box but fell to earth.
Head injuries galore!

What year is this anyway? Is this the Star Trek of the better angels of our nature or are humans still struggling for justice in the world of the bearded Mister Spock who looked like the emperor Ming from Flash Gordon?
Is Mighty Mouse still fighting back The Rat Race? Is everyone still Kung Fu fighting?

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